Better get your act straight, you fake
It seems Facebook’s hard times were the perfect basis to start purging fake accounts and likes.
The exact numbers are anyone’s guess at the moment, but apparently, many pages lost many a fan in a single day.
Facebook metrics service PageData sayas Zynga’s Texas HoldEm lost 96,000 likes on Wednesday. Farmville did slightly better with 45,000 likes down the drain.
As for the music related pages, and I literally mean music-related, Lady Gaga lost 31,700 likes whereas Justin Bieber lost almost 18,000. Rihanna lost 22,000, but another duet with Eminem should fix that in a jiffy.
The whole fake-hunt is a result of Facebook’s attempt to ensure transparency. The company said that the impact should still be minimal, which so far rings true, especially since these figures are petty compared to the actual fan bases.