

JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 78

Monday, 07 July 2014 11:02

iPhone 6 will be built by Foxbots

What does the fox say?

Friday, 20 December 2013 12:31

Foxconn profits grow

Thanks to US shift

Thursday, 14 November 2013 13:21

Apple spends a fortune on robots

Fed up with staff jumping off buildings

Thursday, 17 October 2013 10:20

Apple reportedly slashes iPhone 5C orders

Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition

Friday, 11 October 2013 12:00

Foxconn admits more human rights abuses

Against company policy

Looking for OS, HTML5 and cloud programmers

Thursday, 11 October 2012 11:23

iPhone 5 supply slowed by scratches

Foxconn quality control finding problems

Wednesday, 26 September 2012 12:06

Undercover journo talks work conditions in Foxconn

foxconn logo

Apple’s logo makes him sick

Tuesday, 25 September 2012 10:02

Foxconn reopens rioting plant

foxconn logo

Bugs Bunny said to be the culprit

Wednesday, 19 September 2012 11:49

Hon Hai to set up in Brazil

foxconn logo

Aiming to get past the tax problems