AI is rubbish at killing people
But thinks it is brilliant
US Air Force Major General Daniel Simpson has said that an experimental AI-based target recognition program turned out to be absolutely rubbish but had supplied data which implied it was better than it appeared.

Britain wants to be an artificial intelligence superpower
Because it is short on regular intelligence
The nation which voted for Boris Johnson and Brexit and gave the world reality television apparently has drawn up a glorious ten year plan to be the world leaders of artificial intelligence.

Stop calling it AI says AI expert
It is just pattern learning at the moment
A top AI boffin has had a gutsful of people calling everything AI when the technology is nowhere near being intelligence yet.

US is losing AI ground to China
Looks like the free market not so good as capitalised socialism after all
The US, which once had a dominant head start in artificial intelligence, now has just a few years' lead on China and risks being overtaken unless the government steps in, according to a new report to Congress and the White House.

AI can't invent stuff
United States Patent and Trademark Office says innovation is for humans only
The United States Patent and Trademark Office published a decision that claims artificial intelligences cannot be inventors. Only “natural persons” have the right to get a patent.

IBM commercialises AI communication
Will help our machine overlords understand us better
IBM is commercialising a new technology that makes it easier for computers to understand human communication.

Trump splashes out on $4.8 trillion artificial intelligence plan
Will get China to pay for it
The Trump administration unveiled its $4.8 trillion budget proposal which, among other things, includes plans to increase federal funding for the development of AI and quantum computing.

AI will tell you who to snog, marry, avoid
Romance disappears into servers
In five years from now you can abandon dating sites – if you want a squeeze - because artificial intelligence will even prompt you with chat-up lines and find the right person for you.

IDC reports only a quarter have an AI plan
AI will replace the others
Beancounters from International Data Corporation (IDC) found that of the organisations already using AI, only 25 percent have developed an "enterprise-wide" AI strategy.

EC drafts ethics rules for developing AI
Sorry Dave, I can’t do that.
The European Commission has launched a pilot project intended to test draft ethical rules for developing and applying AI technologies to ensure they can be implemented in practice.