Chinese vendors shipped 145.9 million last quarter
Published in Mobiles

More than 44 per cent of the world's total

Beancounters working for Digitimes Research have added up some numbers and divided by their shoe size and worked out that chinese vendors shipped 145.9 million smartphones globally in total during the second quarter of 2016.

Motorola will not bother with monthly security updates
Published in Mobiles

Too much like hard work

Motorola has dubbed Android's monthly security updates "difficult" and says it cannot commit to them.

PC shipments slightly up in Western Europe
Published in News

 Doldrums time

A research note from IDC said that PC shipments in the EMEA region accounted for 16.1 million units in the second quarter of this year.

Apple’s poor sales drag down Smartwatch industry
Published in IoT

Sanity starting to be restored

After dragging up the smart watch industry thanks to its legions of fanboys who will buy any old rubbish provided it has an Apply logo, Jobs’ Mob is causing it all to crash again.

Lenovo release Windows phone
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 14 July 2016 16:06

Lenovo release Windows phone

Four years after the announcement

Lenovo has finally released a Windows phone almost four years after it was announced and two years late.

Hardware prices jacked up in UK
Published in News
Wednesday, 13 July 2016 11:55

Hardware prices jacked up in UK

Thanks Brexit

Major PC suppliers are jacking up their prices in the UK following the country's brilliant move to show the world that Britain can economically destroy itself without any help from the EU.

Lenovo will build Microsoft's data servers
Published in News

No one ever got fired for buying Lenovo

It seems that Lenovo has managed to buy IBM's reputation along with its server business and scored a contract building data centers for Microsoft.

Falling PC sales appear to be bottoming out
Published in News

Unless you are Apple

There are signs that the falling PC market has opened its parachute and nearly hit rock bottom – unless you are Apple which is continuing to fall like a meteor.

Lenovo comes up with intelligent trainers
Published in IoT

Too intelligent for your smelly feet

Lenovo has been showing off its new smart shoes concept at its Tech World conference in San Francisco.

Lenovo decides to Tango
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 10 June 2016 11:48

Lenovo decides to Tango

Phablet with AR experience

Lenovo is the first outfit to sign up for Google’s Tango project and release a phone which can offer a full-fledged AR experience for users.