Axeman arrives at Intel
Published in News
Friday, 09 December 2022 13:26

Axeman arrives at Intel

Couple of hundred employees set to lose their jobs next month

A couple of hundred Intel employees are about to be thrown out into the cold and the snow while manufacturing employees worldwide being offered unpaid leave.

Facebook's moderation systems for "high profile users" favour Meta
Published in News

No priority for free speech and civil rights

A policy which protects "high-profile" Facebook and Instagram users from moderation was structured so it did not prioritise protecting free speech and civil rights and was designed to protect the social notworking giant's interests.

Ireland fines Meta €265 million
Published in News
Tuesday, 29 November 2022 10:18

Ireland fines Meta €265 million

User data made public

Ireland's Data Protection watchdog the DPC has fined Meta €265 million for failing to safeguard the personal data of more than half a billion users of its Facebook service.

Metaverse given the thumbs down
Published in News
Monday, 28 November 2022 09:58

Metaverse given the thumbs down


While Meta is all excited about its Metaverse, the concept is being greeted with a loud sounding yawn by punters who are failing to get excited about a new way of handing over their personal data to Facebook.

Meta claims its AI is better at diplomacy than most humans
Published in AI

Trust Zuckerburg to sort out the world

Meta claims that its AI is better at playing strategy game Diplomacy than most tiny mortals.

Meta fires Galactica AI over controversial life choices
Published in AI

Left to itself, Galactica became as balanced as a Kayne West Twitter post 

Meta has been forced to "pause" a public AI experiment after it started spewing misinformation and offensive comments.

Meta shares crash 25 per cent
Published in News
Friday, 28 October 2022 11:04

Meta shares crash 25 per cent

Disaster as Zuckerberg's annus horribilis gets worse

Social notworking outfit Meta Platforms plunged as much as 25 per cent as its Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg asked investors for patience with the social-media giant's swelling investments in unproven bets at an already-challenging time for digital-advertising companies.

Meta is just a poorly built video game
Published in Gaming
Friday, 28 October 2022 09:55

Meta is just a poorly built video game

Microsoft's Xbox boss dismisses the hype

Microsoft exec Phil Spencer (pictured) has said that Facebook's Metaverse was just a poorly constructed video game and too dull for him to be bothered with.

Meta shareholder calls for staff cuts
Published in Cloud
Tuesday, 25 October 2022 10:00

Meta shareholder calls for staff cuts

Company needs to get its mojo back with some good old fashion human sacrifice

Meta shareholder Brad Gerstner, from Altimeter Capital, has written an open letter to Meta calling on the company to “get its mojo back” by kicking out one in five of its staff.

Even Zuckerberg mocks Apple’s iMessage over poor security
Published in News

It really has to be bad

Things are getting worse for Apple’s much mocked iMessaging software – even Mark Zuckerberg feels safe at having a pop at it.