Nvidia releases Geforce 368.39 WHQL Game Ready drivers
Fixes GTX 1080 fan issues and brings optimal experience for Mirror's Edge
Nvidia has released its newest graphics card drivers which are not only Game Ready drivers for the new Mirror's Edge Catalyst game but also bring support for Geforce GTX 1070 which should launch in a few days and fix the GTX 1080 Founders Edition fan issues.

Ubuntu gives up on AMD’s Catalyst Linux driver
Fglrx is not for us
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and its newer incarnations will not support AMD's widely-used Catalyst Linux (fglrx) driver.

AMD officially releases new Radeon Software Crimson driver
The new face of AMD drivers
Back in the end of 2014, AMD has launched its first special edition driver, the Catalyst 14.12 Omega, and now, just a few months before the end of 2015, we have a new special edition driver that will change the face of AMD Catalyst drivers and the Catalyst Control Center, the AMD Radeon Software Crimson.

AMD releases new Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta drivers
Performance optimizations for new games
AMD has released its newest Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta drivers which bring performance optimizations for a couple of new and upcoming games.

AMD preparing new Catalyst Omega-like drivers update for November
Major drivers update incoming
According to a new report, AMD is preparing a new major Catalyst drivers update for November, similar to Catalyst Omega drivers released last year.

AMD releases Catalyst 15.10 Beta drivers
DirectX 12 optimisations for Ashes of the Singularity
AMD has released its latest Catalyst 15.10 Beta drivers which, among other fixes and improvements, brings DirectX 12 optimisations to the Ashes of the Singularity game.

AMD releases Catalyst 15.9.1 Beta drivers
Fixes Catalyst 15.9 memory leak issue
AMD has released its new Catalyst 15.9.1 Beta drivers which are mostly an updated Catalyst 15.9 Beta drivers with a fix for a major video memory leak bug.

AMD releases Catalyst 15.9 Beta drivers
Game optimizations and bug fixes
AMD has released its latest Catalyst 15.9 Beta drivers that will bring game optimizations for upcoming beta phase of Star Wars Battlefront game as well as a couple of bug fixes.

AMD releases new Catalyst 15.8 Beta drivers
Brings Oculus 0.7 SDK support and game optimization
AMD has released its newest Catalyst 15.8 Beta drivers which add support for recently released graphics cards, integrates Oculus 0.7 SDK and brings performance optimizations and fixes for some games.

AMD releases Catalyst 15.7.1 WHQL driver
Minor update and support for Windows 10 OS
AMD has released its newest Catalyst 15.7.1 WHQL driver which brings some minor improvements and is the driver to have in case you are running on the new Windows 10 OS.