The GPU market is back from the dead
Market returning to normal
Beancounters at Jon Peddie Research have added some numbers and divided by their collective shoe size and decided that the GPU market is starting to return to its former glories.

GPU shipments down in Q1 2022
But the future looks good
Jon Peddie Research (JPR) has released its report for Q1 2022 GPU shipments, which reached 96 million units, or a drop of 6.2 percent.

Gaming PC sales grew up to 30 percent in 2016
High-end gaming PCs account for 35 percent of sales
The broader market for gaming PCs in North America increased 25 to 30 percent on year in 2016, according to the vice president of US-based retail giant Micro Center.

AMD has nearly a third of the GPU market
Beancounters working for Jon Peddie Research (JPR) have added up some numbers and divided by their shoe size and worked out that AMD is clawing back the GPU market from the outfit named after a Roman vengeance daemon, Nvidia.