Tesla installs camera inside car
Published in News
Thursday, 03 August 2017 06:00

Tesla installs camera inside car

What does it hope to learn about the driver?

The car maker Tesla might be finding itself in hot water after installing a camera inside the car to monitor the driver.

Nvidia officially announces the Tesla V100 card
Published in Graphics

12nm FinFET, PCIe interface, and 5120 CUDA cores

After talking about the new Volta GPU at the GPU Technology Conference earlier last month, Nvidia has now officially unveiled the PCIe-based Tesla V100 GPU accelerator, based on the GV100 GPU and offering 14 TFLOPs of single-precision compute performance.

Keller is building self-driving vehicles for Tesla
Published in News

Will take some time

Fudzilla has already mentioned Jim Keller, the hardware engineer that was one of the key people for finishing what was considered to be the overambitious AMD Zen CPU project. Keller now works for Tesla, and our well-informed friends confirmed that he is building a self-driving platform for the company. 

Tesla fires sexual discrimination complainer
Published in News

It was all untrue insists Tesla

The Apple of the car industry, Tesla, has a novel way of dealing with people who complain about sexual harassment and being paid less than males – it fires them.

Tesla to unveil its first semi-truck in September
Published in Transportation

A big potential market for Tesla

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, announced on Twitter that the company plans to unveil its first electric semi-truck in September.

Tesla raises $1.2 billion in stock and debt for Model 3 production
Published in News

Federal tax rebates in some states will bring prices even lower

Tesla has announced that it is raising $1.2 billion to fuel its coming Model 3, an all-electric, entry-level sedan that is set to enter mass production later in July.

Tesla boss promises more of the same thing
Published in News

Will out-range the Chevy Bolt using a 75kWh battery

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX took to Twitter over the weekend to tease us about what to expect on the pending production version of the mass market, all-electric Model 3 sedan that has audiences cautiously waiting in anticipation.

Tesla's Model 3 arrives in September
Published in News
Thursday, 23 February 2017 07:02

Tesla's Model 3 arrives in September

Volume deliveries set for 2H 2018

Yesterday Tesla said that its mass market Model 3 sedan is now expected to start limited volume production in June and will reach volume production by September. The $35,000 vehicle is a major step for a company moving from being a small niche manufacturer to a mass market electric vehicle manufacturer.

Tesla autopilot was 40 percent safer
Published in News
Monday, 23 January 2017 13:02

Tesla autopilot was 40 percent safer

Surprise result from the death inquiry

A watchdog investigation into the death of a Tesla car driver when he was running the car on auto-pilot had some unexpected good news for the car market.

Top staff flee Apple
Published in News
Thursday, 12 January 2017 12:08

Top staff flee Apple

Do they know something the Tame Apple Press doesn’t?

Apple is suffering from a brain drain as its top engineering talent jumps ship.