UK deletes encryption advice from website
Published in News

It does seem a bit hypocritical

The UK government has quietly binned its encryption advice just weeks after demanding a backdoor into the Fruity Cargo Cult Appleā€™s iCloud storage.

Coppers shut down encrypted messaging service
Published in News
Wednesday, 04 December 2024 10:09

Coppers shut down encrypted messaging service

Used by international drugs and arms dealers

An encrypted messaging service, which was international drug and arms trafficking dealers' tool of choice, has been taken down by Inspector Knacker of Europol.

Chinese spooks hacking US mobile users in real time
Published in Mobiles

Reds under the beds

Millions of US mobile users could be vulnerable to Chinese government spooks who are apparently desperate to know when they are picking up their snowflakes from school and where they order their pizza.

Chinese boffins crack encryption with a D-Wave quantum computer
Published in News

Encryption is potentially dead and alive

Chinese boffins have used a D-Wave quantum computer to mount a successful quantum attack on widely used encryption algorithms.

Top boffin claims to have cracked RSA-2048 encryption
Published in News

Can be done with a smartphone or even a Linux computer

A top boffin has discovered a way to use his smartphone or Linux computer to crack RSA-2048 encryption.

Spain wants to abandon end-to-end encryption
Published in News

Claims it is about protecting children

Spain wants to ban encryption for hundreds of millions of people within the European Union and has strong support among EU member states for proposals to scanning private messages for illegal content.

Encryption algorithms too easy to beat
Published in News
Thursday, 04 August 2022 12:42

Encryption algorithms too easy to beat

Just attack the math

Encryption algorithms which were supposed to see off quantum computing are turning out to be pants.

Encryption outfit might have talked up its quantum claims
Published in News

Former employees say the tech is a bit pants

Arqit says its encryption system can't be broken by quantum computers, but former employees and people outside the company question the relevance of its technology.

Samsung botched encryption
Published in News
Friday, 25 February 2022 11:34

Samsung botched encryption

From the 2017 Galaxy S8 on up to last year's Galaxy S21

Samsung apparently shipped more than 100 million of its smartphones with the encryption borked.

Phone encryption system is a joke
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 24 December 2020 11:35

Phone encryption system is a joke

Expert finds that it is not difficult to break

While phone encryption is considered a hot topic by lawmakers who are worried it is being used by criminals and terrorists, Matthew Green, a cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University has been showing that it is not really as safe as all that.