Tablet sales keep falling
Steve Jobs was completely wrong
Despite what Steve Jobs and his minions in the Tame Apple Press told us, the tablet was not a game changer, and was simply yet another fashion fad which is now going the way of the dodo and the iPod.

European PC shipments plummet
IDC says they fell by another 18.2 per cent
Just when you thought PC shipments could not get any lower, IDC thinks they have fallen another 18 per cent.

HTC had the worst month in 11 years
Remember remember the month of December
HTC is having a tough time lately, but it looks like December was its worst month in 11 years.

More doom for PC market
IDC predicts only minor recovery next year
Beancounters at IDC have poured cold water on hopes that the PC market will do better next year.

Analyst dubs Apple a scaredy cat
Too frightened to reveal iWatch failure
A German analyst has dismissed Apple's claims that it does not want to reveal its iWatch figures because it would give the competition an advantage.
Halo 4 on track to reach $300 million goal
Already racked up $220 million in first 24 hours
3.5 million in sales for Assassin’s Creed 3
Already outsold Revolutions in the same time frame
Nintendo cuts operating loss in half
In a single year, against all odds
Warfighter could struggle to sell 2 million copies
Creutz thinks it will be tough against Halo 4 & Black Ops 2
Number of smartphone users hits one billion
Half as many have a life, too