Google fixes Chrome's memory hog problems
Should fix battery life too
Google has released optimisation features designed to improve battery life and memory usage on machines running the latest version of its Chrome desktop web browser.

UK regulator concerned at money Google is paying Apple
Aiming to discourage Apple competing with Google
A UK watchdog is concerned that Google has been shelling out money to Apple to make sure that Jobs Mob does not want to start competing with Chrome on iOS.

Firefox and Chrome might appear on iOS
Apple considering letting through rivals
Mozilla and Google have apparently sent their teams back to work developing separate versions of their existing browser apps in the hope that Apple might lift its restrictions on side apps rather than declare a "special operation" on the EU.

Google moves closer to removing ad-blockers
Good news for third party browsers
In a controversial move search engine outfit Google is getting ready to bring in a new version of Chrome which will bork ad-blockers.

Firefox maker moans about operating systems
Microsoft, Google, and Apple using their browsers to shut down browser rivals
Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation are hacked off that Microsoft, Google, and Apple are using their operating systems to steer users to their browsers and stacking the deck against rivals.

Browser Spellchucking features might be leaking your passwords
And talking to Google and Vole
Spellchecking features added into Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers have been caught to be leaking sensitive information back to their parent companies.

Update your Chrome or a baby dies
UK Sun has a go at technology story: shokka
UK tabloid the Sun has taken to reporting a Chrome security update in typically sensationalist style.

Google delays plans to kill off third party cookies
Pushes back execution again
Google's plans to kill off third-party cookies in its Chrome browser have been delayed again until late 2024. The move was last scheduled for the end of 2023, a date already pushed back from sometime this year so we can tell that the search engine outfit is really enthusiastic about making this happen.

Google’s Chrome OS Flex arrives
Revives old PC in the way we used to use Linux
Google’s Chrome OS Flex has officially arrived to revive old PCs and Macs, by turning them into Chromebooks.

Chrome is faster on macOS than Safari
Apple’s software genii strike again
Fruity cargo cult Apple’s programming skills have been again called into question as it turned out that its software genii can’t even make Safari fast on its on MacOS.