ASML and Imec team up on sub-2nm process technology
Published in News

Bankrolled by the EU

ASML and Imec have decided to get cosy for the next five years, ensuring that the Belgian research lab gets a High-NA EUV lithography machine.

Intel to slice off RealSense
Published in News
Thursday, 09 January 2025 23:03

Intel to slice off RealSense

Company will remain under Intel Capital.

Chipzilla is planning to spin off its RealSense operations into a stand-alone company, a move that could benefit the tech giant in the future.

Intel 18A SRAM density trails TSMC’s N2
Published in PC Hardware
Friday, 06 December 2024 09:39

Intel 18A SRAM density trails TSMC’s N2

But size is not everything

As semiconductor manufacturers continue to push the boundaries of fabrication technology, SRAM cell size and density have emerged as critical benchmarks.

Intel comes up with an aggressive manufacturing roadmap
Published in PC Hardware

Analysis: Intel 7, Intel 4 Intel 3, and Intel A20 angstrom

The nanometer branding has been quite an inaccurate way to describe the transition size and the performance. After maintaining desktop and especially mobile leadership for the most part with 14nm, Intel is happy to report that the second-generation 10 nm is in heavy volume. 10nm is now represented more than 14nm volume, but Intel decided to change the way it calls its manufacturing processes.

MediaTek sticks to TSMC
Published in PC Hardware
Thursday, 09 March 2017 12:05

MediaTek sticks to TSMC

Despite being unhappy with 10nm process

MediaTek is not having much luck with getting the yields right for TSMC's 10nm process, but it will continue to partner with the foundry to make its next-generation flagship mobile chips.

Intel does not believe users will care about processes
Published in PC Hardware

14nm, 10nm users will never notice

Chipzilla thinks that users don’t give a monkey’s what process their chip has and will be more interested in its performance, according to a man with long job title.

Samsung and TSMC slug it out over new processes
Published in PC Hardware

Begun the Gen.3.14 FinFet wars have

Samsung and TSMC are starting to slug it out introducing Gen.3 14 and 16-nano FinFET system semiconductor processes, but the cost could mean that smartphone makers shy away from the technology in the short term.

Chinese Micron take-over will be tricky
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 15 July 2015 14:11

Chinese Micron take-over will be tricky

Analysts warning

The takeover of the chipmaker Micron by a Chinese government controlled outfit is going to be extremely tricky, warned analysts.

UMC plans speeding up 18nm process development
Published in News

Will allow Chinese 28nm products

UMC is considering a plan to speed up a shift to the 18nm process at its fabs in Taiwan.

Intel downgrades Kittson
Published in PC Hardware
Monday, 20 April 2015 14:17

Intel downgrades Kittson

Itanium chugs on and but it will be overweight

Chipzilla has been making mutterings about its much neglected Itanium product, which seem to indicate that it will be downgraded to an elderly process