Lithium battery prices set to rise
Short supply
The prices of Lithium batteries are set to rise because of a production shortage which could result in a general electronics price hike.

Sudden rise in notebook demand surprises manufacturers
Short supply of components
A sudden rise in Notebook demand has caught suppliers on the hop and component suppliers say they have not got enough to flog.

Nvidia has no 16nm yield issues
Industry sources confirm supply rumours are a myth
The dark satanic rumour mill is flat out claiming that TSMC is getting the blame for a shortage of GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 supply issues. However Fudzilla's own sources have been on the blower to say that is untrue, the lack of availability are generated by exceptionally great sales.

Skylake shortage
Intel knocks in an own goal
While Chipzilla was banking on its Skylake chip to sort out its bottom line, it appears that it forgot to make nearly enough.
HDD prices continue to surge
Might start coming down in December
HP resolves component shortages

May and June targets to be met
Kinect shortages still reported

Not a marketing strategy, we are told