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Published in Reviews

Choiix Power Fort 10Whrs and 5.5Whrs tested

by on26 May 2011


3240_choiix_logo  mala

Review: Power on the go for your gadgets

If you’ve ever owned a phone, chances are you’ve experienced the infuriating feeling of a having a top notch, expensive device in your hands that’s as useful as a brick because of a drained battery. Thankfully, Choiix has an interesting solution that will bring our gadgets back to life regardless of where we are. 

Choiix is Cooler Master’s brand and we’ve recently received two batteries that can charge up various devices, such a phones, mp3 players, etc.



These two products are named Power Fort, with the differences being the physical size and capacities.

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Last modified on 26 May 2011
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