Bye-Bye Windows Phone 8
Vole sends it to the underworld
Microsoft has killed off its Windows Phone 8 operating system today.

Windows 10 on nearly a quarter of machines
But all roads still lead to Chrome
Beancounters for Net Marketshare have added up some numbers and divided by their shoesize and worked out that Windows 10 is installed on 24.5% of devices.

Microsoft to only support Windows 10 on Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Bristol Ridge, Snapdragon 820
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 updates for Skylake systems to end on July 17, 2017
In a rather authoritarian, sweeping effort to increase its worldwide Windows 10 install base, Microsoft has announced it will end support for operating systems older than Windows 10 on newer chipset platforms, including Intel’s Skylake, in a year and a half from now, and that Windows 10 will be the only supported Windows OS on new chipset platforms going forward in 2016.

Microsoft raises the upgrade pressure
But not on me
I am getting slightly annoyed. Why am I the only person in the world who is not being nagged my Microsoft to upgrade to Windows 10.

Windows 10 will be the biggest OS ever
Maybe Apple will support it
Beancounters at analyst outfit Gartner have decided that Windows 10 will eventually be the most successful of Redmond's creations.

Windows 10 take-up drops dramatically
Too good to be true
Latest figures show that Windows 10's meteoric growth has finally been checked, according to NetmarketShare.

Don't upgrade to Windows 10 warns Sony
Still half baked.
Sony has warned owners of its Vaio systems not to upgrade to Windows 10 yet.

Windows 10 will replace eight soon
Did in two weeks what eight did in six months
Windows 10 has grown faster in two weeks than its predecessor did in six months and it will probably replace the older OS in a few months.

iOS copies Windows 8
Exterminate the desktop
The fruity cargo cult, Apple, which has never been afraid of taking people's useless ideas and turning them into money, has decided to copy Microsoft's least favourite idea – killing off the desktop in Windows 8.

Apple expels Windows 7 from garden of earthy delights
Lost the business case
Fruity cargo cult Apple has decided that Microsoft's venerable Windows 7 needs to be expelled from its walled garden of earthly delights.