Manufacturers fear Intel's Windows 10 plans pushing up costs
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Pushing up costs

Intel's plan to have its next-generation processors support only Windows 10 is causing the industrial PC players a few sleepless nights.

Windows 10 mobile works on Snapdragon 820
Published in PC Hardware

No reason for any delays

Microsoft has just issued some documentation which suggests that Windows 10 Mobile already supports the Snapdragon 820 chipset and the unannounced Snapdragon 830.

Microsoft developing laptop powered by a phone
Published in Mobiles

Windows 10 phone in Continuum mode

Microsoft is developing a laptop that runs off a Windows 10-powered phone in Continuum mode.

Three surface phones rumoured
Published in Mobiles

But not until 2017

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn which suggests that Microsoft is going to bring out three Surface smartphones, but not until 2017.

Windows 10 pop-up invades Japanese bill-boards
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Call Godzilla

Microsoft’s continued obsession with forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10 is starting to break things.

Microsoft puts Ubuntu on Windows
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Hell has frozen over

Microsoft has announced a partnership with Canonical which means it is possible to install Canonical's Ubuntu on Windows 10.

Microsoft in Skylake U-Turn
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Also broke Windows 10 Mobile promise

Software outfit Microsoft has U-turned over its decision to kill off support for Intel Skylake processors running Windows 7 and 8.1 next year.

Microsoft claims it is not auto upgrading Windows 10
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The system has not gone rogue

Microsoft has been getting a lot of stick for annoying its existing Windows users with upgrade requires for Windows 10. But some users have been complaining that the OS has gone rogue and started updating itself.

Microsoft delays Redstone 2 for another year
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Wants to cash in on the new wave of devices

Software king of the world Microsoft has decided to delay its next incarnation of Windows 10, Redstone 2, for a year.

Microsoft releases new video showing DirectX 12 benefits
Published in Graphics

Claims up to 20% more GPU and 50% more CPU performance

Microsoft has released a new teaser video which shows the benefitst of the upcoming DirectX 12 API, including better performance, reduced latency and smoother framerates.