Microsoft pulls Windows 10 update
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Stuffed up people’s privacy settings

Microsoft stopped downloads for its latest official edition of Windows 10, version 1511, after it meddled with people's privacy settings.

Windows 10 will be the biggest OS ever
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Maybe Apple will support it

Beancounters at analyst outfit Gartner have decided that Windows 10 will eventually be the most successful of Redmond's creations.

Microsoft pulls Windows 10 support from Galileo
Published in Transportation

Galileo Galileo Figaro.

Microsoft is pulling the support plug on Windows 10 IoT Core which was a key part of Intel’s low-cost Galileo boards.

Companies lagging behind employee’s cloudy expectations
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Claims Microsoft backed study

A study based on 5,000 respondents from small and medium enterprises found that “enterprises are lagging behind their employees’ expectations to be more productive, collaborative and innovative in a mobile-first, cloud-first world.”

Microsoft will update you to Windows 10
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All your bases are belonging to Microsoft

Those running older versions of Windows with their updates switched on could find that Microsoft will automatically upgrade them to Windows 10 next year

Microsoft’s Edge grinding to a halt
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This is a dead Spartan

Microsoft’s Edge, formally known as Spartan, appears to be grinding to a halt and no-one seems to be caring much about it.

Windows 10 hits Xbox One on 12 November
Published in Gaming

Windows 10 game streaming and more

Game streaming is a gaming world  buzz word and Xbox One will join the trend with its Windows 10 update. Microsoft has confirmed that the update will rolls out  on 12 November.

Windows 10 Threshold 2 coming in November
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Most of the features beta tested

Microsoft has said a several times that the Windows 10 was a project that will never be finished. Now it seems the latest update codenamed as Threshold 2 will arrive on November 2.

Windows 10 might get advertising
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You get nothing for free

Those who really believed that Microsoft was going to not make any money off the back of Windows 10 will be disappointed to discover that the software giant is experimenting with adverts.

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10565 is out
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Use Windows 7, 8 keys to activate 10

Microsoft has just released the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10565 and this version brings Skype integration, Cortana improvements, Edge tab improvements and most importantly Device activation improvements.