Spring Creators Update will take 30 minutes to install
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Better than one to two hours

Software King of the World Microsoft has sped up the amount of time it will take to upgrade its Windows 10 major feature upgrade.

Windows Redstone 4 expected in April
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Starts "Windows 10 on Snapdragon" era

HP has already announced its Envy X2 Snapdragon 835 based "always connected" notebook and managed to sell a few thousand in a matter of hours.

Microsoft to jack more AI into Windows 10
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Microsoft looks forward to working with more primitive biological lifeforms 

Microsoft, whose staff apparently have not seen 2001: A Space Oddysey, is planning to jack more AI capabilities inside Windows 10.

Qualcomm signs up Amazon and JD.com to Windows 10 on Snapdragon
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Ten new carriers signed too

Qualcomm has managed to get industry heavyweights Amazon and JD.com to start selling its Windows 10 on Snapdragon 835 devices. Microsoft will carry the devices in its retail stores too. At the same time, it locked down 10 world carriers to announce the data plans for such devices.

Windows 7 still beating Windows 10
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You can’t keep a good OS down

Windows 10 use was expected to overtake Windows 7 by the end of 2017, but according to the latest figures it did not happen.

Microsoft exec talks 64-bit on Snapdragon
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Exclusive: 64-bit SDK coming

We had a chance to ask Erin Chappelle,  General Manager of the Windows and Device group of Microsoft, and lead player of Windows 10 on Snapdragon about the lack of 64-bit emulation support at launch.

Windows 10 on Snapdragon shows up
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HP and Asus showcased devices

Windows 10 on Snapdragon laptops, whether they are two in ones or detachables,  are becoming real. Qualcomm and its partners showcased some devices and talked about some details and prices.

Microsoft wanted Nvidia for Windows 10
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To make Windows on ARM

Qualcomm might not be the only sheriff in town when it comes to an upcoming Windows 10 on Snapdragon, or Windows 10 on ARM. Nvidia was asked too.

Qualcomm has broad PC portfolio
Published in Mobiles

EVP Cristiano Amon confirms

Fudzilla wants to let you know that Snapdragon 835 based Windows on Snapdragon is just the first step and the company’s Cristiano Amon confirmed that this is just the first of many.

Microsoft spills the beans on locked down Windows 10 machines
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How to be highly secure

Software King of the World Microsoft has revealed that if you want PCs or laptops to be secure you must have certain hardware features.