Android users are more loyal than Apple fanboys
Published in Mobiles


We were surprised 

There is a myth in the Apple cult that once you buy one of its shiny toys you will be a dedicated follower for the rest of your miserable life. However a new statistic suggests that is not quite, but completely untrue.

Apple inserts bug into OSX
Published in News

Allows designer malware

The software genii at Apple have redesigned their OSX software to allow malware makers to make designer micro-software that can infect Macs with rootkits.

Internet of Things growing
Published in IoT

IoT reached 10.3 million devices

Beancounters at Berg Insight have counted out all the installed base of wireless IoT devices in industrial automation and claim it reached 10.3 million in 2014.

IOS flaw means you can kill all Apples in a wifi area
Published in News

Apple does the rest of the world a favour

The brilliant, super-cool security experts at Apple have installed a feature in the iOS which turns off all Apple gear within a wi-fi radius.

New iOS update has nasty surprises
Published in Mobiles

You get what you pay for

Apple’s iOS 8.2 update appears to have a couple of nasty surprises floating around the sweetness just waiting for fanboys to bite in.

Sonic Runners is next for the Hedgehog
Published in Gaming

Free-to-play mobile game iOS & Addroid

Sonic has a new game coming from the Sonic Team and it apparently is following Sega's new commitment to develop more for mobile and PC.

You get what you pay for

Testing the engine’s abilities on Metal

Who didn't see that coming?

Rolling out an iOS 8.1 update soon