One of the World's worst dates, Julian Assange has claimed that the FBI had tried to bribe the outfit's staff. Like many of Assange's comments he did not provide any evidence so we guess we will have to wait for a whistle-blower in the FBI to tell us what it did.
Assange threatened to break controversial super-injunctions if the details were leaked to him. He published details of “five or six” super-injunctions in the past. However, in a bizarre moment, he admitted that Wikileaks might resort to a super-injunction itself in order to protect its sources.
He accused the British public of an annoying middle-class squeamishness over the publication of secret cables and documents and would rather destroy a revolution rather than have something leaked . He insisted that he had seen no evidence that anyone had lost their lives as a result of Wikileaks disclosures, despite Government warnings that this would happen.
Opening up societies around the world may mean fatalities are a price worth paying, he said.
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Assange claims that FBI tried to bribe staff

Wikileaks team said no