Bloomberg reported that Apple will delay its live TV service to at least next year, despite lots of rumours that it was going to see the light of day on September 9.
However it appears that CBS and Twenty-First Century Fox to license programming are grinding on and lack of content has led Apple to scrap plans to announce the service.
But Bloomberg said that Apple was also having a few technical problems with its networks. This is hardly surprising as networking is not one of Apple's strong suits. But despite all the cash it has spent on data centres, the outfit apparently lacked the computer network capacity to ensure a good viewing experience, Bloomberg said.
Apple will release its set-top box at the event. The Apple TV is now rather elderly and has needed an upgrade for years.
To be fair Apple is not the only tech giant which has been unable to manage the TV stations. Intel and Microsoft have also failed to set up online TV services. Apple was at least lucky that it managed to get its foot in the door with iTunes. Now it seems that Big Content is a lot older and wiser and not handling the keys to its kingdom easily.