Jobs, who was by all accounts a self-obsessed, ego maniac, has been spun by Apple as a genius and a saint. However, recently that image has taken a pounding from a film and a documentary which actually told the truth.
The films include Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine, a documentary released earlier this month, and an upcoming biopic directed by Danny Boyle and titled simply Steve Jobs.
While people who were there and no longer work for Apple, such as Steve Wozniak, say that the movie and documentary are pretty much spot on, Jobs' Mob claims they are all lies.
Apple CEO Tim Cook says predecessor Steve Jobs was "an amazing human being" on Late Night with Stephen Colbert.
This is an interesting definition of a "human being" used to define a man who always parked in disabled car parks, insisted that his daughter was not his and her mother slept around, farmed out US jobs to Chinese factories where the workers died, stole others ideas and then sued people for his inventions and was so obnoxious he was fired.
In a television interview on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Mr Cook said he had not seen the films in question but that such portrayals of Jobs were "opportunistic".
"The Steve I knew was an amazing human being. He's someone that you wanted to do your best work. He had this uncanny ability to see around the corner and describe a future - not an evolutionary future but a revolutionary future."
Apparently not. He knew he was sick at an early stage but intially refused to be treated for the illness that killed him. If he had the magical ability to see around corners he should have spotted that one.
Cook took over as Apple's CEO in 2011 in the finals months of Jobs's life, and worked under him for 13 years as a senior executive.
"He was a joy to work with and I love him dearly, I miss him every day. I think that a lot of people are trying to be opportunistic and I hate that, it's not a great part of our world."
We should point out that Cook once tried to give Jobs' his liver to save him so we expect there was a deep love there which is blind to flaws.