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Apple complains that 4K is overpriced

by on31 August 2017

Pot calls kettle black

The maker of over priced electronic gear, Apple is having an ironic moan about the price of 4K.

Apparently Apple can’t make Hollywood do what it is told as it tries to bring in Ultra High-Definition (4K) films on its upcoming new Apple TV

Apple wants to charge $19.99 for major titles in 4K, which is in line with what it charges for newer HD movies, but some Hollywood studios want add an extra $5 to $10 surcharge.

The company is set to reveal a new Apple TV device at its 12 September event, with the new set top to finally support 4K and HDR streaming.

Hollywood appears faintly amused. One executive said that he would not tell Apple how to price its overpriced iPads so Cook should not be trying it on with the studios.

Apple usually supports lower prices because it will mean higher margins for Apple and would encourage more customers to sign up to its products.

To be fair the studios are being just as “evil” as Apple by wanting to charge more for higher quality content to protect their profits, so we really don’t care who wins this round.

The studios are mostly attempting to prevent the situation they found themselves with music files by giving Apple far too much. All that did was pass money which could have gone to studios or artists to Apple.

Apple TV, which is priced at $149 for the 32GB version, is losing market share to other companies like Amazon and Roku, which offer 4K and HDR media streaming players at a fraction of Apple TV’s cost. Amazon’s Fire TV for instance, is $89.99.

Last modified on 31 August 2017
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