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Huang talks up Blackwell to shareholders

by on27 June 2024

AI plans still on full expansion.

While Nvidia might have been given a swift kick in the share price lately, Chief Executive Officer, Jensen Huang was upbeat at yesterday’s shareholder’s meeting.

Nvidia disclosed that CEO Jensen Huang received a total compensation of $34.2 million (approximately €36.6 million) for 2024, marking an increase of nearly 60 per cent from the previous fiscal year. The company's remuneration structure, which is intrinsically linked to performance metrics, has seen a considerable augmentation due to the company's stock performing exceptionally well.

The assembly also re-elected the 12 incumbent directors to Nvidia's board and ratified PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year 2025.

Huang told the assembled crowds that Nvidia’s Blackwell architecture platform is poised to become "the most successful product in the company’s history," potentially eclipsing any previous achievements in the computing industry.

Analysts have lauded the Blackwell system, unveiled earlier in March, as "the most ambitious project in Silicon Valley."

Huang underscored the widespread adoption of Blackwell, anticipated by "every major cloud service provider, server maker, and leading AI companies," including tech giants such as Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, Tesla, and xAI.

Huang highlighted Nvidia's potential to capitalise on the next wave of AI, particularly in robotics and sovereign AI. He envisaged a future where AI automates heavy industries, a market estimated at $50 trillion, with Nvidia at the forefront of this transformation.

Despite the optimistic outlook presented at the shareholder meeting, Nvidia's shares experienced a slight downturn. They closed at $123.66 (approximately €132.32), down 1.9 per cent, as the momentum from Tuesday's rally dissipated.

Last modified on 27 June 2024
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