Published in News

Musk’s Neuralink device needs skulls to be reshaped

by on12 July 2024

Musk-friendly press reports glass half full

Elon Musk's brain-chip company, Neuralink, is having to take risk mitigation measures such as skull sculpting and reducing the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood to a normal level in patients.

While most of the press might have an issue with a product which requires you to saw into your skull to prevent your death by carbon dioxide poisoning, it seems that Musk is being given a get-out-of-jail-free card.

One article only mentioned that the new version of the device requires half the number of electrodes to be implanted in the brain to make it more efficient and powerful.

Neuralink is taking these risk mitigation measures after the first participant in the device's trial encountered issues with the tiny wires in the implant. And while there were these problems, his high computer game scores increased. So there is that.

However, the question remains why Neuralink, which is a hugely invasive surgical technique which killed a lot of animals during testing, is getting all the headlines while rivals, such as Mindmaze, are getting better results with high-tech hair nets which do not require surgery, are not being considered.

Last modified on 12 July 2024
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