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Intel’s 8088 turns 45
Published in PC Hardware

Chipzilla’s first significant CPU

Intel’s first significant CPU based in x86 turns 45 today.

Finnish outfit makes accelerator chip
Published in News

Claims it can double the speed of any CPU

A Finnish startup, Flow Computing, claims that by adding its unique secondary chip, any central processing unit (CPU) can immediately see its performance doubled and potentially increase up to 100 times with further software adjustments.

Police arrest hackers built their own phone tower
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British coppers have fingered the collars  of two people implicated in an SMS-based phishing scheme utilising a distinctive apparatus, which the police characterised as a “homemade mobile antenna,” “an illegitimate telephone mast,” and a “text message blaster.”

Musk threatens to ban Apple devices at his work
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We are not sure whose side we are on here

In a rather petulant display of corporate chest-thumping, Elon [look at me] Musk has threatened to ban Apple gear from his companies after Jobs’ Mob salted its “Apple Intelligence” with AI from OpenAI.

AMD launches sooner than expected
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Ryzen 9000 X3D as early as September 

The Dark Satanic Rumour Mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that AMD will release its Ryzen 9000 X3D versions earlier than thought.