BioWare has confirmed through a Facebook posting by Casey Hudson, the executive producer of Mass Effect 3, that despite the development team’s best efforts, the title will not make the original holiday 2011 release window that was estimated during the Spike TV video Game Awards last December.
Instead, the development team is pushing ahead and is now focused on a release of Mass Effect 3 that should come during the first quarter of 2012. BioWare and the development team are said to be committed to making Mass Effect 3 the biggest, baddest and best offering in the Mass Effect franchise that will exceed everyone’s expectations.
Actually, the news that BioWare will not make a holiday 2011 release isn’t actually as surprising as one would think, given that Mass Effect 2 also arrived in the first quarter with a January 2010 release. Despite early first quarter not traditionally the best release time, Mass Effect 2 was able to ship over 2 million units in the first week of release with a January release date. This proves that if you have the right game with the right kind of promotion, customers will show up to buy it no matter when you launch it.
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Mass Effect 3 delayed till Q1 2012

Will not make holiday 2011 release