Published in Gaming

DriveClub for PS4 will not make launch?

by on18 October 2013

Rumors say it has been pushed to early 2014

It seems that once again another launch title, will miss launch. This time it is the PlayStation 4 exclusive DriveClub. While Sony has not yet confirmed this is the case, sources are claiming that in a fourth coming announcement Sony will confirm that the title has been move to an early or spring 2014 arrival.

Still with no official word yet from Sony, it is just simply a rumors at this point, but the evidence and whispers are starting to add up to another delayed title that was scheduled for launch. Sony is said to be delaying the announcement while the work on coming up with some good news to go along with the bad news of DriveClub’s delay.

For Sony the news of another title not making launch for the PS4 isn’t good news. With Ubisoft’s decision to delay Watch Dogs, the news could not come at a worse time. With DriveClub not making launch this means that Sony only has Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack as its only AAA first party titles expected to be available at launch.

We will continue to dig into this in hopes of getting something more solid, but in the mean time you can read more about it here.


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