Published in Gaming

New Prince of Persia in the works

by on22 April 2014

Will use Rayman Legends engine

Sources are suggesting that Ubisoft may be looking to get Prince of Persia back to its 2D roots with a new entry in the franchise. Word is this time around the Prince will be stealing a page out of the Rayman Legends book and use the same engine and animation style that was used in Rayman Legends.

The UbiArt engine which powered Rayman Legends is and an engine that UbiSoft apparently believes can be used to power more than Rayman Legends and that is evidenced by the use of the UbiArt engine to power Child of Light.

While so far UbiSoft has had no comment on the possibility of a new Price of Persia game, sources say that development is so far along that an announcement at E3 is likely. We will have to wait and see.

Read more here, but you should take a translator.


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