As most partners already did, or will do during the day, Sapphire has also announced its own Juniper-based HD 5700 series cards, the HD 5770 and the HD 5750. The new series supports DirectX 11, ATI Eyefinity, and a 128-bit memory interface.
The Sapphire HD 5770 has 800 stream processors and works at 850MHz for the core and 4800MHz for 1GB of GDDR5 memory. The second one, HD 5750, has 80 stream processors less, and works at 700MHz for the core and 4600MHz for the 1GB of GDDR5 memory.
Both cards from Sapphire feature a Dirt 2 game coupon, but the download will have to wait for the December. The cards are currently listed with a lowest price tag of around 115 and 123 euro for Sapphire's HD 5750 and the HD 5770.
You can find them listed here.
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Sapphire shows its HD 5700 series cards

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