Published in Graphics

More info on Kepler GK104 dual-GPU shows up

by on10 April 2012

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28nm GeForce 600 Series dual-GPU card

It is no surprise that Nvidia is working on a dual-GPU graphics card that will feature two 28nm GK104 Kepler GPUs, and the folks over at Expreview have managed to dig out a couple of fresh tidbits about this card and now we are hearing that it is set for release in June.

According to a post over at Expreview, the new dual-GPU GK104 (as some call the "GeForce GTX 690" or "GeForce GTX 695," although there is no evidence of a confirmed name yet) [ed.] will draw power from two 8-pin PCI-Express power connectors and will feature PCI-Express 3.0-compliant bridge chip. The PSU requierement is set at 650W and the card will feature three DVI and one Displayport outputs. According to our info, precise specifications are still not finallized as Nvidia can use any of the recently rumoured versions of the GK104 chip.

Currently, our latest info puts the dual-GPU Kepler GPU release at sometime in June but as always take such information with a grain of salt.

You can check out Expreview's post here.


Last modified on 10 April 2012
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