Apple has allegedly demonstrated its mixed reality headset to its top executives recently, and word on the spaceship is that while the $3,000 price tag is pretty dumb they are confident they can “market” enough demand from Apple fanboys.
Others within Apple don’t thing so and have dared to tell the Apple Press office, the New York Times that they are skeptical about the headset, despite Apple's apparent “glossy demonstration.”
Some employees are trying to get away from the project in case it damages their careers and others have already been fired for not being able to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Even some higher-ups have questioned the possibility for the headset to sell well. With design issues surrounding the battery, as well as the expected $3,000 price tag, it seems to be a harder sell to consumers, even the most brain washed who would buy a rose coloured dog’s turd if it had an Apple label.
The key issue is that no-one in Apple really knows what the product is supposed to do for consumers. The iPod played music, the iPhone enabled phone calls and provided microcomputing, but VR is only useful for work related tasks.
Some believe that the product will end up as vapourware or at least delayed until someone else releases a product on the market so that Apple knows how successful it will be. However, with manufacturing underway and with a planned launch in June, a delay seems unlikely.
The decision to proceed with the headset in 2023 was also against the advice of Apple's industrial design team, who wanted to wait and release lighter AR glasses instead of a headset.