What good however is all of this 64-bit power if you don’t have any way to show it off? That is where Apple is encouraging developers to be creative and submit 64-bit applications that show off the power of the 64-bit A7 processor.
Apple has said that they will be supporting a Xcode universal binary that will allow developers to package both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions in one package, but this will only be compatible with iOS 7 devices.. This is said to be coming from Apple next month. Developers that want to continue to support iOS 6 will have to build their Apps in iOS 6 for 32-bit only. It is a given that at least in the short term that most developers will go this route as it is a simple numbers game.
While many are questioning the need for a 64-bit processor in a smartphone, we have to wonder what might be possible with a 64-bit chip in a smartphone, so we have not been that quick to dismiss it just yet.