Apple has said that it will continue to monitor the App, but so far it has not broken its code of conduct. If that is the case it hard to see how Infowars is ever going to break Apple’s code of conduct as its content reads like a deranged Protocols of Zion.
Still, if Apple thinks it is ok, we can expect it to become the phone of choice for right-wing conspiracy wingnuts who believe that everything left of Mussolini is a socialist plot inspired by Aliens. We guess it is a good market for Apple - after all Infowars readers are not very bright and likely to do something dumb like buying an overpriced phone.
The Infowars Official app has become the App Store’s third most-downloaded news app this week after Apple removed access on Sunday to some of Jones’ podcasts from its digital store. Apple had said the podcasts violated the company’s rules against hate speech.
“We strongly support all points of view being represented on the App Store, as long as the apps are respectful to users with differing opinions, and follow our clear guidelines, ensuring the App Store is a safe marketplace for all”, Apple told Reuters in a statement.
Jones’ podcasts differed from the Infowars app in a key way. The podcast app allowed access to an extensive list of previous episodes, subjecting all of those past episodes to Apple’s content rules.
The Infowars app contains only rebroadcasts of the current day’s episodes, subjecting a much smaller set of content to the rules. Apple said it regularly monitors all apps for content violations.
“We continue to monitor apps for violations of our guidelines and if we find content that violates our guidelines and is harmful to users we will remove those apps from the store as we have done previously”, Apple said.