The Snapdragon 888+ 5G SoC still features the same octa-core CPU configuration, with a single Cortex-X1 core, three Cortex-A78 cores, and four Cortex-A55 cores. This time around, the high-performance Cortex-X1 core is clocked at 2.995GHz, up from 2.84GHz on the Snapdragon 888 SoC. The rest of the cores remained unchanged, with the same 2.42GHz and 1.8GHz clocks.
The biggest surprise is the same GPU, which did not get an upgrade, and it is still the Adreno 660 GPU ticking at 840MHz. Due to the higher clocked Cortex-X1 CPU core, the total AI compute performance is now at 32 TOPS, up from 26 TOPS on the Snapdragon 888 SoC.
The frequency upgrade hits at just about 5 percent, and it will be interesting how it would influence the actual power consumption of the new Snapdragon 888+.
According to Qualcomm, ASUS, HONOR, Vivo, and Xiaomi are already lined up for the new Snapdragon 888+ 5G SoC and we should see the first devices in Q3 2021.