Intel finally came to its senses to use the same socket and make the 22nm Ivy Bridge pin and software compatible to Sandy Bridge x67 boards, and this happens to be the chipset that is affected with a huge embarrassment and SATA 2 recall bug. Now that is ironic.
The big news that P67 and H67 boards will support Ivy Bridge 22nm processors after BIOS and firmware updates is not as cool as it would have been if Intel didn’t mess these chipsets up.
Still there is a hope, as of April all boards powered with H67 and P67 will be bug free and with a BIOS update, they will be able to support Ivy Bridge 22nm processors. So once you get a functional bug free P67 or H67, you can expect to be able to plug Ivy into it and after new BIOS flash, they should just work.
This is what Intel told its various partners and this is the plan for now, but this bug can change a lot of minds and can affect just about any decision.
Intel also told to its special few that Ivy Bridge on Sugar Bay (6 series ) based platforms will require firmware and BIOS update and it also tells them that Q65, Q67 and B65 cheaper chipsets, won't support Ivy Bridge.
As we said, irony. Intel finally makes a good move and decides to keep the same socket and motherboards compatible with the future 22nm processors, only to have the platform affected by its biggest chipset recall in years.
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PC Hardware
Ivy Bridge 22nm works with H67 and P67

It's 1155 pin compatible, needs new BIOS
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