As it was the case with previous Intel HEDT platforms, the Basin Falls platform will bring a new socket, the LGA2066. Both Intel Kaby Lake-X and Skylake-X processors are expected to be launched in a tight time-frame and both will fit into the same socket.
According to details leaked at, the Kaby Lake-X will initially only be available in a quad-core configuration while Skylake-X will be coming in 6-, 8- and 10-core versions. The Kaby Lake-X will also offer 16 PCIe 3.0 lanes while Skylake-X will be coming with 44/28 PCIe lanes. According to another slide, Kaby Lake-X will support dual-channel DDR4 while Skylake-X will come with quad-channel DDR4-2666 memory support.
The Kaby Lake-X TDP will peak at 112W while Skylake-X chips will hit maximum TDP of 140W.
According to the same source, Intel's Skylake-X chips have already started sampling and these CPUs are expected to launch sometime in Q3 2017.