Although we expected the 3rd Gen Ryzen CPUs a bit earlier, it appears that AMD will have its hands full in the third quarter, with multiple launches. With Computex 2019 show just around the corner, there will be plenty of new details regarding these new products, and AMD has already scheduled a live-streamed "Next Horizon Gaming" event for E3 2019.
The slide also confirmed that Navi-based graphics cards will be replacing the Polaris-based ones in the mainstream market while Radeon VII will remain AMD's high-end offer, for this year at least. We already wrote that first Navi-based graphics cards will be targeting mainstream market back in June last year, and even AMD CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, pretty much confirmed during the February earnings call that Navi will coexist with Radeon VII, which will remain as the high-end graphics card.
Earlier this month there were some weird rumors suggesting that AMD might launch Navi-based graphics cards at E3 2019, which came shortly after AMD CEO confirmed a Q3 2019 launch, and performance rumors which pitted it against RTX 2070 were quite a stretch.
This schedule means that we won't these next-gen products from AMD on retail/e-tail shelves until July, at earliest. In any case, AMD will have a busy second half of the year, and hopefully, its next-gen lineup will continue to put pressure on the competition and the company will be able to deliver its roadmap promises.