NSF fires 168 staff in shock move
Trump purge of science and public IT research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has axed 168 employees in a brutal cost-cutting move following President Trump’s executive order to reduce the federal workforce.

China overtakes US as a research leader
ASPI tracker reveals
According to the latest results from ASPI's Critical Technology Tracker, China has overtaken the United States as the global leader in research across most critical technologies.

AI is pants, claims Apple
If we can’t invent it no one can
While Apple is unable to get a decent AI product on the market, it has decided to invest in scientific research which claims the whole thing is pants anyway.

Internet trolls cannot be cured
Researchers find not feeding them does not kill them
A team of brave boffins have been investigating internet trolls and reached the conclusion that there is no cure.

Former Microsoft boffin redeems himself with life hack
Might even cause forgiveness for trolling
Former Microsoft chief technology officer Nathan Myhrvold might have hacked off a few people with his patent trollage over the years, but he seems to have come up with a life hack which is of vital interest to Fudzilla readers.

Kids kept awake by smartphones
Even when they are turned off
Parents who allow their kids to have smartphones and tablets might end up rewarding their kids with sleepless nights.

Microsoft thinks it will cure cancer in a decade
Of course the patent might blue screen
Software king of the world, Microsoft thinks it might be able to cure cancer by treating it in the same way as a computer virus.

Online gamer kids are brainy kids
They do better in maths, reading and science
New research has shown that kids who play computer games online every day perform better academically in science, maths and reading tests.

MIT claims to have developed “unhackable“ RFID chip
Prevents side-channel attacks
MIT researchers have come up with a new type of radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that is virtually impossible to hack.

Consumer-grade EEG could be headed for VR
Must have read your mind
Boffins from the University of Memphis have been looking at the use of consumer-grade EEG equipment to provide meaningful and accurate recognition of the wearer’s mental state.