Australia comes the raw prawn with Kaspersky
Unacceptable security risk
The Aussie government has expelled Kaspersky Lab from its digital corridors, citing significant security concerns.

Vole jacking up the price of Microsoft 365
You have AI now you can pay for Clippy 2.0
Software King of the World, Microsoft is jacking up the price of its consumer office product after giving it AI.

Australia fast-tracks cryptography overhaul
Fears of Quantum cats
Australia’s chief cyber security agency has announced plans to overhaul the cryptographic foundations of the internet by 2030, years ahead of other nations.

Australia ban under-16s from social media
Social media is apparently more dangerous than anything else down under
The land down under, Australia which has more poisonous reptiles and insects than anywhere in the world, has decided that its kiddies are more at danger from social media than anything else.

Dell fined down under
Discounted hardware prices ruled unfair dinkum
Grey box shifter Dell has been fined more than $6.5 million by Australian regulators after it was found to have misled consumers on discounted hardware prices.

Fertility apps collecting too much information
Might be selling it on
Fertility apps on mobile phones might be collecting rather too much personal data sparking fears that creators are selling it.

Aussies ban Chinese surveillance cameras
We don't know which dingo they are reporting too
Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles has ordered the removal of Chinese surveillance cameras from sensitive government and military locations.

Australia might get some actual data protection laws
Companies might need to tell people when they are hacked
After a huge embarrissing hack the Australian government is finally getting tougher on businesses who keep such hacks secret.

Australia proved that governments can stand up to Big Tech
Sort of
When the Australian government stood up to Big Tech most expected it to cave in after Google threatened to leave the country, but it did not happen.

Aussies decide that AI can invent stuff
Welcome to the era of the AI patent troll
An Australian Court has decided that artificial intelligence can patent inventions.