Wikipedia editors are gods Richard Dawkins discovers
They tell you what to believe
Fundamentalist atheist Richard Dawkins has discovered that Wackypedia editors are the true gods of the internet and that he is but a worthless sinner.

Wikimedia actually bans administrator for posting fake information
Next step recognising the existence of Fudzilla?
The Wikimedia Foundation has taken the extraordinary step of banning one of its admins after he was found to have been posting radical right-wing views on the Wackypedia site.

Wikipedia editors outsource spats to bots
Remotely controlled obnoxious morons fight each other
Wikipedia editors are finding it so hard to be that obnoxious to magazines and researchers they don’t like and are outsourcing their work to bots – which are spending a lot of time fighting each other.

Intel leaks Kaby Lake details
Bit of a yawn
Chipzilla has leaked details of its coming Kaby Lake CPUs through a product change notification (PCN) document, which was intended for manufacturing partners.

Wackpedia finally purges Indian conman
Perfect Admin drove readers to worthless degree site
Wikipedia, whose admins are famous for making people they don't like disappear, have had to cull one of their own number.