WordPress sites hit by malicious plugins
Encourages information-stealing malware
WordPress websites are being compromised through the use of malicious plugins that trigger fake software updates and error messages, ultimately leading to the installation of information-stealing malware.

Coppers shutter the world’s largest malware network
Stole $5.9bn
Coppers from all over the world have fingered the collar of a global malware network which stole $5.9bn (£4.65bn) and is linked to other crime.

Apple Malware detection is easy to bypass
Depends too much on prayers to St Steve Jobs
The Mac's built-in malware detection tool is apparently so easy to bypass it might as well not be there, according to a Mac security researcher.

Malware writers missed an open goal
PowerShell backdoor was discovered and not exploited properly
An undetectable PowerShell backdoor was discovered by malware designers who failed to cover their tracks properly and allowed it to be discovered.

Chaos hits Linux and Windows machines
Seen in the wild
A cross-platform malware has infected a wide range of Linux and Windows devices, including small office routers, FreeBSD boxes, and large enterprise servers.

Android malware subscribes you to paid services
Microsoft's 365 Defender Researchers warn
The security team from Microsoft's 365 Defender Research undertaking has Android malware which subscribes you for paid services on its own volition.

Website based malware targets Macs
Impossible to detect
Eset Researchers have uncovered advanced, never-before-seen macOS malware that was installed using exploits that were almost impossible for most users to detect or stop once the users landed on a malicious website.

Linux malware rises
Up 35 per cent last year
The number of malware infections targeting Linux devices rose by 35 per cent in 2021, and it looks lie the writers want to recruit IoT devices for DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks.

Ukraine government servers still packed with malware
Microsoft warns
Software King of the World Microsoft warned on Saturday evening that it had detected a highly destructive form of malware in dozens of government and private computer networks in Ukraine.

Hackers can mimic iPhone reboots and keep iOS malware installed
If only there was a phone with good security
The Tame Apple Press is reeling after a security firm announced it was possible to block and simulate an iOS restart operation.