Published in
Thursday, 08 June 2017 11:56
Reviewers pan Apple's "Planet of the Apps"
Apple’s reality TV show is about as bad as you would expect
Apple’s debut into the world of original television programming shows that its self-obsession and lack of self-awareness make for dire telly.

Published in
Wednesday, 10 August 2016 10:35
Apple’s TV programming hits new low
Front people named as secret minutes revealed
The fruity cargo cult, Apple’s mission to lower the standards of the world hit a new “high” today after it announced which celebs were going to host their new self-reverential app developer “reality” show. Gwyneth Paltrow, will.i.am have been named as the celebrities which will add weight to “Planet of the Apps.” It seems such a strange decision that we asked one of our Apple deep throats to find us the minutes of the meeting where it was made. We provide it verbatim: