Brother denies having a dose of the HPs
We don’t block third party ink
Brother has denied claims that its firmware updates are sneakily sabotaging printers using third-party cartridges after repair guru Louis Rossman's viral YouTube rant stirred the interwebs.

Brother gets a touch of the HP
Joins the dark side and starts locking down its products
After years of being the go-too company for those who do not like to be screwed around by HP’s locked own overpriced ink business model, Brother has joined the dark side.

HP’s print ink policy faces monopoly legal challenge
Court will be told HP has a hotel on Mayfair and Park Lane
Make of expensive printer ink, HP has used its "Dynamic Security" software updates to "create a monopoly" of replacement printer ink cartridges, a lawsuit filed against the company on 5 January claims.

Supremes wallop expensive printer ink model
If you bought it you can do what you like
The US Supreme Court has buried a long running move by printer ink companies which stopped people refilling their own cartridges.

Welcome to the Machine
HPE shows off Memory driven computing
HP has shown off a working prototype of an ambitious new computer system which the company claims is the first example of memory-driven computing.

HP Enterprise makes a killing
Amazing what happens when you spin off your PC business
HP Enterprise, which houses former HP corporate hardware and services division has done much better than the cocaine nose jobs of Wall Street expected.

Right-wing blogs wade into Fiorina's HP past
Deals which come back to haunt you
Now that the former HP queen Carly Fiorina's presidential campaign seems to be doing well, some of the right wing blogs are digging up some old stories on her HP past.