Nvidia recently launched the GTX 660 that has what it takes for gaming at 1920x1080. The GTX 660 currently goes for about €200. Point of View / TGT GTX 660 Ultra Charged comes with a high factory overclock that upped the GPU by about 10 percent. At the same time, its price is higher than the price of reference cards by the same amount.
GTX 660 Ultra Charged is only 20cm, supports up to four displays and SLI. Its Low Leakage Selection GPU showed superior auto overclocking capability than the average GPU.
We’re convinced that better cooling would’ve provided for superior auto overclocking results, and remains the only thing we’d change on this card. Although it’s a dual slot fan cooler, its performance to noise ratio is not as balanced as we expected it to be. The fans are never too loud, but can be heard soon after starting a game. The GTX 660 doesn’t require extreme cooling and we’ve already seen a few silent GTX 660s.
On 13th of September, when Nvidia launched the GTX 660, PoV/TGT’s GTX 660 UC card was incompatible with EVGA's X79 FTW motherboard we use for our tests. Note that EVGA’s latest BIOS update for X79 FTW fixes incompatibility with the GTX 660 UC.
Apart from fierce competition from the likes of HD 7870, many older Nvidia cards can be found priced at about €200 and provide for pleasant 1080p gaming.
Buying a GTX 660 is definitely not a wrong choice, because we’re talking about a Kepler based graphics with good performance/watt ratio and quad display support. At the same time, if you end up wanting more, another card is always an option.