Dell and HP (and Apple) are all jumping on the Surface Pro 3 and keen to sell it. But Lenovo, which is a big fan of things Microsoft is not.
Gianfranco Lanci, president and COO at Lenovo said that it will not resell Microsoft's product even though Redmond had asked him a year go.
"I said no I don't see any reason why I should sell a product from within brackets, competition."
He added that while Microsoft and Lenovo were partners on somethings they were competing in tablets and now laptops with the new Surface Book.
Lenovo has come up with the Miix 700 which is a direct Surface clone. Lenovo's tablet has a similar adjustable kickstand and a keyboard that magnetically attaches to the display just like Microsoft's Surface Pro 3.
While this sounds obvious why would Dell and HP both sell the Surface Pro 3? Apparently it is because customers had been demanding it.
However all four were friends yesterday when they joined Intel to kick off a new "PC Does What?" marketing campaign yesterday. It's designed to get consumers to upgrade four- or five-year-old computers with the latest PCs running Windows 10. It's the first time we've seen PC makers join forces to face falling sales together.