Published in Graphics

AMD releases Catalyst 11.11a performance driver

by on22 November 2011

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Skyrim improvement/fix finally here

AMD has finally released its newest performance driver with fixes for couple of gaming titles including Skyrim. The new Catalyst 11.11a performance driver, as AMD calls it, should fix performance issues, or at least some of them, in Batman Arkham City, Rage, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Battlefield 3.

The main update of the new performance driver focuses on The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim title as it disables CrossFireX in order to resolve negative scaling and image quality issues, resolves corruption seen when enabling Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing on the Radeon HD 6970 cards and improves performance on single GPU systems by two to seven percent. Unfortunately, CrossfireX is still unavailable but according to release notes, AMD is working on a solution that should roll out as soon as it is ready.

The new driver also improves DirectX 11 performance for single GPU configurations in Batman Arkham City and resolves intermittent corruption seen when playing the Battlefield 3 game at specific camera angles. The Rage fixes include AMD CrossfireX performance scaling and fixes for number of image and stability issues that include fix gemoetry corruption at Bash TV enterance, issues with Low-memory conditions and extreme corruption with missing textures on 32-bit systems, memory leaks when deleting/reusing sync objects, fix for Quad-Core systems in races and fix for some missing shadows.

As always, the new performance driver is available for download here.

Last modified on 22 November 2011
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