Crimson was supposed to be the King of AMD drivers, but some users have been underwhelmed by it. They reported that AMD's new drivers caused their GPUs performance fall. One user reported that his Radeon R9 280x burst into flames as badly as an Apple II.
Tsanummy stated “the GPU was so hot I couldn't even remove it from the PCI-e and had to wait until it was cool enough.”
AMD has admitted that the driver has a few shortcomings. On its official twitter; “We are aware of low fan speed reports on select GPUs... We intend to publish a hotfix on Monday” or Tuesday if you are Australian.
Before Nvidia fanboys pour on the mock for the flaming drivers, let us not forget how Nvidia was forced to pull its WHQL driver in 2010 due to reports of temperatures reaching 104 degrees Celsius for games of varying standards. The driver was pulled from its website and asked users to revert to the previous driver to avoid damaging their graphics cards and motherboards.