Published in Cloud

IT managers keen on being green

by on04 December 2019

New research

Leading IT professionals are embracing the need to be more environmentally aware, and as a result expect other companies to be more socially and environmentally responsible.

This is according to new research set to be published in January 2020 from Volta Data Centres.

The research shows that over a quarter of UK IT decision-makers have changed utility provider because they disagreed with their views / environmental practices. This figure rises to 42 per cent of those under 35 years old.

The independent research project, carried out by Sapio Research, quizzed over 200 UK-based IT decision-makers on their views ranging from environmental responsibility, cyber-security and data privacy.

The results showed that decisions aren’t being made on price alone and that there is a growing shift towards more environmentally responsible businesses. Over half (51%) stated they would be more likely to use renewable energy from a utility service provider even if it was more expensive – rising to 72 per cent of the under 35s.

Over two-thirds of those working in companies with more than 200 employees would also be more likely to use renewable energy despite the cost.

Jon Arnold, Managing Director at Volta Data Centres, said: “This research has shown that the purchasing decisions made by many technology leaders in the UK will be based on what providers are doing to combat the environmental challenge we all face. The responsibility to tackle environmental issues doesn’t fall to any singular sector, in fact, our research shows that IT leaders see Governments, Corporations and us as individuals sharing equal responsibility.”

The level of commitment to environmental change may take some in government and big business by surprise. According to the survey, over one third (35%) of IT decision-makers would be likely to quit their current job if they discovered their employer did not take any measures to be environmentally responsible – rising to 59% of the under 35s. In addition, 21% of this younger demographic would also be prepared to sacrifice part of their salary to local recycling initiatives to be more environmentally responsible.

Arnold continues, “There is a strong environmental concern and awareness amongst the future generation of IT leaders, and this will undoubtably have an influence on business decision making in the future. If businesses want to remain competitive, they will have to demonstrate their resolve to do more for the environment. This is why I am pleased that we continue to lead the way at Volta Data Centres as we work on a number of projects in 2020 that focus on becoming more environmentally responsible.”

Last modified on 04 December 2019
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