According to a report coming from the Chinese site, caught by, the company is suffering from heavy ceramic and Snapdragon 835 SoC shortages. The big issue is that most smartphone makers want the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC for their flagship devices and since Samsung had dibs on snatching the most of these SoCs, it does not come as a surprise that the likes of Xiaomi are facing shortages.
Another big problem for Xiaomi is the ceramic shell offered in the special edition of the Mi 6. The ceramic coating was offered in the special edition version and replaces the glass in the standard edition.
Xiaomi has built a rather good reputation when it comes to smartphones and its earlier Mi 5 and Mi 5s smartphones were a big hit, so big demand for its latest Mi 6 flagship does not really come as a surprise, especially since it gives a lot for its CNY2,499 (US $360) starting price and even the exclusive ceramic version is priced at reasonable CNY2,999 (US $435).
Hopefully, Xiaomi will be able to get on top of this shortage issue and the Mi 6 will be available once again but now, it is quite hard to order one.